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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Magical Masks, Hats, & Foam Creatures

As I get ready to retire, I'm using up some of the craft materials I purchased but never got around to. It is really very difficult to have 42 kids doing this at the same time. I had to do all the prep work because these students would not have been able to cut the masks out themselves. We had days of cutting practice with less than stellar results. Some states push for more time on academics in Kindergarten and First Grade. Their teachers are discouraged from activities requiring cutting and pasting so the children are losing their ability to do fine motor work. Since an art teacher sees those children less than one hour per week, they are not able to spend the time to address individual needs. Classes of 30 to 40 children are nightmares purely from a material handling perspective, let alone preparation, cleanup, and behavior management. (See Animoto below)

1 comment:

  1. Cool artifacts! Dissertation subjects and topics for those who don’t have inspiration. Try this.
